Willow Tree Fen

Image of Willow Tree Fen birding site

Situated between Baston and Spalding, Willow Tree Fen is a relatively new nature reserve, managed by the Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust.

The site is good for cranes, raptors (including Hen Harrier), owls and swans.

Willow Tree Fen is a viewpoint reserve only. Viewing is from the small car park which is open 9:00 AM until dusk Monday to Friday in the winter. There are no toilet facilities available.  The car park (OS Map Reference: TF 181 213) is off Counter Drain Drove opposite Bank House Farm (PE11 3JH).

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Species recorded

What you might see

  • Common Pheasant

  • Mute Swan

  • Whooper Swan

  • Common Shelduck

  • Eurasian Wigeon