About us

Welcome to the Peterborough Bird Club. We are a friendly group and warmly welcome new members. Whether you are an expert or beginner, the Club aims to bring people together that have a shared interest in birding in the Peterborough and surrounding area.

​The Club runs a comprehensive programme of indoor talks and outdoor birdwatching trips throughout the year suitable for all levels of experience.

Learn more about us below and apply to become a member by clicking on the 'Ask to join' button. Membership costs £10 annually but under 21s or students in fulltime education are free.
  • Avatar of a Petrel on a blue background

    Common Redshank, Grey Heron, Greylag Goose and 38 other species seen at Frampton Marsh RSPB

  • Avatar of a Petrel on a blue background

    Common Starling, Common Swift, Barn Swallow and 43 other species seen at Frampton Marsh RSPB

  • Avatar of a Blackbird on a sky background

    Eurasian Stone-curlew, European Nightjar seen at Weeting Heath NWT

  • Avatar of a Blackbird on a sky background

    Eurasian Bittern, Eurasian Blue Tit, Common Buzzard and 36 other species seen at Lakenheath Fen RSPB

  • Avatar of a Great tit on a stone background

    Black Tern seen at Ferry Meadows Country Park