Lynford Arboretum

Image of Lynford Arboretum birding site

Lynford Arboretum at Lynford near Thetford is noted for its variety of bird life. The area has a good range of typical woodland birds. Mainly conifer forest but some deciduous and a small arboretum. Winter and early spring possibly the best times to visit. Among the birds you can expect are Common Crossbill, Treecreeper, Nuthatch, Firecrest, Hawfinch, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Green Woodpecker, Cuckoo, Coal Tit and Wood Lark.

To view the hornbeams favoured by the Hawfinches walk south through the arboretum and over the lake and view the trees in the paddock, in the vicinity of TL820936. As with many woodland sites for the best results you should aim to arrive at the site early in the morning.

The line of alders along the river is good for Siskin and often also redpolls. The path along the stream to the east of the bridge reportedly holds Lesser Spotted Woodpecker but Willow Tit may be a thing of the past. 

Access off the A1065 at Ickburgh travelling south just before Mundford roundabout.  Turn east towards Lynford Hall and Lynford Arboretum and park in the car park to the north of the road after one mile.

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Species recorded

What you might see

  • Canada Goose

  • Mute Swan

  • Gadwall

  • Mallard

  • Common Wood Pigeon